WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

How do Black Buffalo nicotine pouches products compare to white nicotine pouches?

Miller Updated by Miller

Black Buffalo nicotine pouches offer adult consumers the best of both worlds. When we were building this company, pouches as we knew them only came in two forms: traditional smokeless and snus. With the rise of white nicotine pouches, Black Buffalo's pouches give adult consumers aged 21+ the ultimate versatility. With 11.25 mg of nicotine per pouch, you can park in your lower lip and dip & spit like traditional smokeless products, or you can discreetly use Black Buffalo pouches in your upper lip, spitless, as many consumers do with snus or white nicotine pouches.

The choice is yours, boss. Bold flavor. Full pouches.

How did we do?

Why do I have to be 21+ to buy Black Buffalo products?

Do you offer nicotine-free long cut or pouches?

Black Buffalo products are intended for adults aged 21
and older who are consumers of nicotine or tobacco.

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